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Learn the who, what, when, and where of finance and facilities More
Starts Starts: 2/24/2025 1:00 PM
Location Location:
Staff and faculty who participate in this training, which has been created using national standards set by Campus Pride, will be among the first to have the chance to be designated safe space trained with the opportunity of becoming advocates; folks who can serve as a resource to LGBTQ students. What will you learn? • What are safe spaces and why are they important for creating inclusive environments and sense of belonging for students • What does it mean to be an active ally? • Current terms and important knowledge about the LGBTQ community • Services and resources NCC offers for LGBTQ students • The state of LGBTQ rights today For questions, please contact [email protected]. More
Starts Starts: 2/24/2025 11:00 AM
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Linguistic Justice (LJ) recognizes that is a deep connection between language and identity. LJ also acknowledges that attempts to standardize language are intended to eliminate cultural differences among speakers and writers. Join us to discuss how LJ can allow students (and instructors) to understand both the value of language heritage, and that different writing contexts may require writers to consider different language choices. More
Starts Starts: 2/25/2025 4:00 PM
Location Location:
Navigating the Noise: Mastering (and Teaching) Information Literacy in the Digital Age

Attendees will explore strategies for teaching information and media literacy across disciplines. The day will also include a session on AI ethics, offering a comprehensive look at the challenges and opportunities in today's evolving information landscape.
Starts Starts: 2/28/2025 9:30 AM
Location Location:
Join the Instructional Designers to begin learning about how to design your course in the Brightspace learning management system. This will include both pedagogical training around NCC's Best Practices Framework, as well as various Brightspace features. This training will cover the full Online 101 & Brightspace training over three weeks. Participants should expect regular due dates and announcements throughout the three week duration, and to spend 15-20 hours total on this course. More
Starts Starts: 3/3/2025 8:00 AM
Location Location:
Christy Yerk-Smith from Awareness to Change will be with us to discuss how to see signs that someone is self-injuring or considering doing so. More
Starts Starts: 3/3/2025 10:30 AM
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Join the Instructional Designers to begin learning about how to design your course in the Brightspace learning management system. This month, we're focusing on the standards from the Grading & Feedback section of NCC's Best Practices Framework. This presentation will be held simultaneously in CC 290 and via Zoom. We encourage folks who need a little extra help with technology to join us in CC 290. More
Starts Starts: 3/4/2025 11:00 AM
Location Location:
When you talk to students or colleagues, are you doing so in a way that they can understand what you are saying? Learn how and why you should converse with others in a professionally comfortable way. More
Starts Starts: 3/4/2025 11:00 AM
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Join the Instructional Designers to begin learning about how to design your course in the Brightspace learning management system. This month, we're focusing on the Brightspace features most closely associated with grading and feedback. This will include both setting up your gradebook in Brightspace, as well as how to grade within the LMS.. This presentation will be held simultaneously in CC 290 and via Zoom. We encourage folks who need a little extra help with technology to join us in CC 290. More
Starts Starts: 3/6/2025 11:00 AM
Location Location:
Learn about what's new in the world of ITS More
Starts Starts: 3/6/2025 3:00 PM
Location Location:
What are restorative practices? How can we use them? Why does it matter? More
Starts Starts: 3/10/2025 2:00 PM
Location Location:
Join the Instructional Designers to begin learning about how to design your course in the Brightspace learning management system. This month, we're focusing on the standards from the Grading & Feedback section of NCC's Best Practices Framework. This presentation will be held simultaneously in CC 290 and via Zoom. We encourage folks who need a little extra help with technology to join us in CC 290. More
Starts Starts: 3/18/2025 11:00 AM
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